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Keeping up Momentum

Public·13 members

Helen Rosemier
Helen Rosemier

The next ‘Keeping up Momentum’ session, with OCA tutor Hayley Lock, titled Something Missing? will explore the theme of absence and presence, looking at extraction, omission, transience, permanence, visibility and invisibility.

From Yves Kleins Invisible Paintings (1959) and John Cage's famous silent piece titled 4’ 33” (1952) to Marina Abramovich’s The artist is present and Martin Creed’s famous Work No. 227: The lights going on and off we will look at how the economy of an idea through making can empower both the artist and viewer in equal measure.

In the first session, you will be introduced to the topic through a visual presentation to set the scene and get you to think about how you might look at the theme of absence and presence in your own work. After the presentation, you will be given some instructions to play around with some of the ideas mentioned so do bring existing work to the session and some everyday materials as well as drawing and painting mediums and papers to help push some of your existing ideas forward. If you would rather treat the session as a way in to making new work, this is also welcomed. You will also need scissors or a cutting knife and board if you have one and a camera/phone of course, to catch some fleeting moments of the moments ‘in between’.

There will be a mini project to work on in teams between the two sessions and we will all come back on November 19th to look at the work that has been made. That session will be rounded up with a Q and A discussion.

The first session runs on Zoom from 10am to approx 12.30/1.00pm UK time on Saturday October 29th and the second at 10am - 12.30/1.00pm on Saturday November 19th.

To book a ticket please add your details to this registration sheet. You will need to be logged in to your OCA account to edit the sheet. The Zoom log-in details will be confirmed before the event begins.

Keeping up Momentum is an initiative to inspire, motivate and connect OCA students, led by Helen Rosemier,


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