Dear All -
I hope 2024 is starting off as well as can be for all of you.
Our Christmas and New Year went largely to plan, despite rain, travel diversions, and a lost address book (some Christmas cards did not get posted, argh).
Meanwhile, I'm waiting for my first-ever unit feedback (for 1.1 Drawing for Painting). I understand I should have heard by end 19 January latest.
Anyway, I thought I'd send another message re a SW Google meet up, if anyone fancies it.
How about early February? If you are interested, let me know if there are any days, dates or times you can't make.
In addition, I thought I'd flag up interesting exhibitions at The Box, Plymouth this year: I hope to see the South Asian miniatures (from Feb) and African diaspora portraits (from June).
Best wishes to all for good things in 2024 -