We have a 6h working or Practice day with tutor, Michele Whiting. Our members are welcome to join on Saturday 16 September at 11:00 CET
The link to the Zoom meeting is: https://oca.zoom.us/j/95774763046?pwd=SXJBbENqUmNZN0lHWnFtWXhjWS9mUT09
We have a 6h working or Practice day with tutor, Michele Whiting. Our members are welcome to join on Saturday 16 September at 11:00 CET
The link to the Zoom meeting is: https://oca.zoom.us/j/95774763046?pwd=SXJBbENqUmNZN0lHWnFtWXhjWS9mUT09
1 Mar Sat | 'OCA Europe - Terrarium Workshop – Create Your Own Mini Eco-System'
22 Feb Sat | 'OCA Europe - Terrarium Workshop – Create Your Own Mini Eco-System'