Artist talk with Ailish Henderson, Sat 8 Jun 2024, 2-4 pm UK time (3-5 pm CET)
Ailish Henderson is a narrative artist, dwelling on and sustaining her practice via the implication of memory and storytelling. Moments matter; she endeavours to live by this suggestion of thought. Fine art textiles are her specialism, she is an author, lecturer and tutor, leading others to reach their own art-bound conclusions. She has had three UK solo exhibitions to date, travelled to Rome, Italy to exhibit key works and has another solo exhibition coming October 2024 in London. Her work has been featured in numerous publications including Embroidery and Selvedge. She successfully worked through her degree whilst also working as a practicing artist during the lockdown virus time period. Her lecture will tell her story and how you too can practice your own. She will also talk about der book 'Narrative Textiles", to be published on Oct 10, 2024. She will be open to taking questions at any time and welcomes subsequent contact.
Zoom link: https://oca.zoom.us/j/99510548433?pwd=cVpWNXM1MnFpVjdmbXJQZ0dibE9Wdz09
passcode: 766302