Welcome to the Art Recycling Hub!
This group was set up as a place for us students to offer items that would otherwise be thrown away. Your junk may be gold for someone else!
The aim of this group is to encourage the use of recycled materials in our artwork and to prevent items going to landfill that could be useful to someone else. These items could be anything from scraps of fabric, old magazines, scrap metal, to excess pens, paints and paper that you do not need.
Feel free to post items needing a new home, be sure to add your location for collection/postage cost calculations. You may also post 'wanted posts' for items that you are needing for your artwork. However, please do not post asking for items of value.
Please note: Neither OCA nor the Student Association take no responsibility for any activity within this group. Postage costs and shipping arrangements are to be organised between yourselves, the Student Association will not get involved in disputes.
Hi there,
Ashley this sounds like a great thing - cannot believe I haven’t seen this before with the OCA. If I have any excess or arty materials I no longer use then of course I will see if anyone here is interested in them!
Amazing - can’t wait to be apart of this group!