OCASA Summer Of Sustainability
Over the course of the summer the OCASA has hosted a number of online and in-person sustainability activities. This has been our first OCASA Summer Of Sustainability.
These events were co-ordinated by Graphic Design Programme Tutor Emma Powell, OCASA Environment and Sustainability Rep Ashley Mclaughlin and Academic Development Officer Joanne Mulvihill-Allen.
All the events that took place went down extremely well. We hope you enjoyed the activities if you attended them. Some recordings are also available.
Thank you to Catherine Byrne, Programme Leader Interior Design, for kicking off the season with an in-person trip to the Serpentine Pavilion in London. Following this Andrea Norrington, Photography Tutor, ran a bookmaking session. The book structures created the basis for mini sketchbooks that reused waste materials. Liz Cashdan, Creative Writing Tutor, followed by running two sessions exploring how poetry can promote sustainability. Next came Jenny Udale, Textiles Tutor, who created a Padlet and ran a session on mending and repair. The online sessions ended with Barbara Henderson, Programme Leader Creative Writing, running two workshops on climate fiction. The in-person event to the Land, Sand and Stone Festival was not able to run. A blog post will be written about it soon showing some of the creative structures made by the participating artists.
Through OCASA and social media we have also shared the work of many OCA students who have sustainability at the core of their work. It has been heartening to see that so many of you integrate these themes and the reuse of materials into your work. Thank you so much for giving us an insight into your working methods.
We are ending the OCASA Summer Of Sustainability with 30 days of online prompts for Sustainable September. You can follow the visual work of participating OCA students and staff on Instagram @ocastudentassociation. There’s still half the month left so do join us by posting some work relating to our themes and tagging it @ocastudentassociation
Many thanks to Emma, Ashley and Joanne for organising the OCASA Summer of Sustainability. Thanks also to Liz Cashdan for her Poetry and Sustainability workshop. As an alumna, it was great to be able to take part in the event alongside those who are still studying.