We had an excellent in person meeting on Sunday the 10th April. Six students attended, each on a different degree pathway; painting, drawing, photography, music, fine art and creative writing. In sharing something about ourselves and our work we found much in common. I think I can speak for all in saying it was a joy to have conversation with like-minded creative people.
The next meeting is online, so if you didn't make it on Sunday please join us on zoom at 1pm on Sunday the 8th of May. Send me an email and I will give you zoom details and a link to a shared drive folder to upload any work you would like to share with us and receive feedback..
The next in person meeting is on Sunday June the 19th when tutor Dr Bryan Eccleshall will be joining us at Dean Clough, Halifax. All welcome. Details to follow.
I second everything that Helen has said. Being able to have a cross discipline group will be very beneficial for the creative juices!