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In Conversation With: Christopher Samuel

In January we were joined by Christopher Samuel for an Artist Talk & Q&A.

Christopher is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice is rooted in identity and disability politics, often echoing the many facets of his own lived experience. Seeking to interrogate his personal understanding of identity as a disabled person impacted by inequality and marginalisation, Christopher responds with urgency, humour, and poetic subversiveness within his work.

Christopher works in lots of different mediums - from illustrations, to installation, to print, to video – all ways where he can take agency over the disabled or marginalised experience. He utilises redaction a lot in his work - the idea of revealing and concealing things by removing or blocking out certain information, to suggest a different narrative. Christopher makes work which opens a dialogue about a lived experience which many people may not directly identify with, and that highlights a wider spectrum of the human experience.

The slides from Christopher's talk can be seen below and beyond that there is a conversational video between myself and Christopher exploring themes of identity, disability, gender & race, a transcript of the dialogue can also be downloaded.

Christopher Samuel - Artist Talk
Download PPTX • 15.82MB

In conversation with_ Christopher Samuel
Download DOCX • 569KB

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